
Dedicated and determined to deliver business value. Kapil has successfully managed three projects in the past 2 years. He has a strong work ethic that is readily apparent on a daily basis as he works with resources from different technical and business organizations as well as other vendors to plan, coordinate and deliver project work. I strongly recommend Kapil to any organization looking for a senior project manager to come in and be effective on day one.

Kapil is one of the most responsible and sincere guys I have ever worked with. He gives every task his best, and tries not to break a sweat while doing it. I have utmost regard for his work ethics; his honesty towards work is infectious and he is a great asset to have, in any team. If I have to rate all my co-workers in the last two decades of my professional life, Kapil would appear in the top 3. He is someone who I would love to work with, anytime in the future, if our paths could align again.

I have worked with Kapil at Airlines Reporting Corporation (arc) where he was deployed as a senior consultant through NIIT in PM role. Throughout his tenure at arc, his resilience, work ethics, and project management skills were well regarded among the technical teams. The business side always appreciated his accurate and timely communications.

I worked with Kapil for roughly five of his six years at Fidelity. We worked together in Boston as well as remotely when Kapil was in the Fidelity Gurgaon and Chennai offices. Kapil was part of two different teams I managed, both in the capacity of a COBOL developer and mainframe tech lead. While I was never Kapil's direct line manager, he did matrix report to me in a couple of different capacities. I enjoyed working with Kapil. He is very knowledgeable in mainframe technologies as well as an application expert in the financial services applications we supported. I'm happy to endorse Kapil and hope that our professional paths cross again in the future. 

If you run into a project manager like Kapil, don’t let him go. Heck, you should probably get the real McCoy and not risk using an imitation. I’ve worked with Kapil on some mega-size projects, for about two years. Of his many positive traits, two stand out: his tenacity and his knowledge of project management. He can juggle a host of issues without breaking a sweat, while still keeping people on task, and driving ways to optimize our workflow. Seriously, if a computer and a bulldog mated, he’d probably be the offspring. Put your faith in Kapil; he’ll get it done.